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DOM, Script

Windows Media Player 11 SDK Player.playState 함수

by eqzero 2006. 11. 26.
0UndefinedWindows Media Player is in an undefined state.
1StoppedPlayback of the current media item is stopped.
2PausedPlayback of the current media item is paused. When a media item is paused, resuming playback begins from the same location.
3PlayingThe current media item is playing.
4ScanForwardThe current media item is fast forwarding.
5ScanReverseThe current media item is fast rewinding.
6BufferingThe current media item is getting additional data from the server.
7WaitingConnection is established, but the server is not sending data. Waiting for session to begin.
8MediaEndedMedia item has completed playback.
9TransitioningPreparing new media item.
10ReadyReady to begin playing.
11ReconnectingReconnecting to stream.

예전 프로젝트에서 사용했었던 자바스크립으로 미디어플레이어 제어플밍을하는데 플레이어의 동작 코드들이다.
코드값 '3'이 플레이중일때 사용하는 함수다..ㅡ,.ㅡa;;.
사용법은 아래와 같다..참고로 미디어플레이어 버젼은 7.0이 이상이어야 한다..

// Test whether Windows Media Player is in the playing state.
if (3 == Player.playState)
    myText.value = "Windows Media Player is playing!";
    myText.value = "Windows Media Player is NOT playing!";

[출처 : MSDN]

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